
When requesting a grant, it is crucial to prepare a thorough and compelling proposal that effectively communicates your organization's mission, goals, and the impact the grant funding will have. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to request a grant:

1) Research Grant Opportunities: Identify potential grant opportunities that align with your organization's mission and objectives. Research grantors, their funding priorities, eligibility criteria, and application deadlines. Focus on grants that have a strong fit with your organization's work.

2) Understand Grant Requirements: Carefully review the grant guidelines and requirements provided by the grantor. Take note of the specific information and documentation they require, such as financial statements, project plans, and budget details. Pay attention to any formatting or submission instructions.

3) Develop a Project Proposal: Craft a comprehensive project proposal that clearly outlines the purpose, goals, and objectives of the project or program for which you are seeking funding. Include a compelling narrative that highlights the significance of the issue you are addressing and the unique approach your organization brings to the table.

4) Clearly Articulate Impact: Demonstrate how your organization's work will make a measurable and sustainable impact on the target beneficiaries and the community as a whole. Use evidence, statistics, and stories to illustrate the need for the project and the positive outcomes it will achieve.

5) Create a Budget: Prepare a detailed budget that outlines the anticipated expenses and how the grant funds will be allocated. Ensure that the budget aligns with the grantor's guidelines and accurately reflects the costs associated with implementing the proposed project.

6) Include Supporting Documentation: Gather any supporting documentation requested by the grantor, such as your organization's financial statements, annual reports, board of directors' information, and relevant partnerships or collaborations. Make sure to provide all required attachments or appendices.

7) Write a Persuasive Cover Letter: Craft a compelling cover letter that introduces your organization, explains your mission, and outlines why you believe your project is a strong fit for the grant. Tailor the letter to the specific grantor and express your enthusiasm for the opportunity to collaborate.

8) Review and Edit: Proofread your grant proposal thoroughly to ensure clarity, coherence, and correct grammar. Ask a colleague or mentor to review it as well, offering valuable feedback and suggestions for improvement.

9) Submit the Application: Submit your grant proposal by the deadline specified by the grantor. Follow the submission instructions carefully, whether it's an online portal, email, or traditional mail. Keep copies of all submitted documents for your records.

10) Follow Up: After submitting the grant proposal, consider sending a thank-you note or email to the grantor to express your appreciation for their consideration. Maintain regular communication, if appropriate, to stay informed about the selection process and provide any additional information if requested.

Remember, the grant application process can be highly competitive, so it is essential to put in the time and effort to create a compelling proposal that clearly communicates the value of your organization's work. Good luck with your grant request!


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Apply for a Grant

Requesting a Grant from Wahpeton Eagles Aerie #2749

Step 1 - Fill out Grant Application.
Step 2 - Submit grant application to
Step 3 - You will hear back within 30 days about our decision. If you have not heard from us after 30 days, do not hesitate to reach out and inquire.


1) We primarily donate to non-profit charities in Richland or Wilkin Counties. Individual grants will be considered on an as needed basis.

2) Grants are to be used for the purpose of community development based projects, program development, and/or emergency needs.

3) Grant applications should include as much detail as possible. We aim to support as many people as possible whether it be through monetary support, building rentals, equipment rentals, volunteers, etc.